Plum Tartlets

Plum Tartlets


“He lived in a world shining and fresh and as uninspected as Eden on the sixth day. His mind plunged like a colt in a happy pasture, and when later the world put up fences he plunged against the wire, and when the final stockade surrounded him, he plunged right through it and out.”

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


I thought I saw Superman. It was the unfurling of his tattered cape that hinted at his disguise. He met my gaze as he strode past. Beyond the matted brown hair I saw strength in his eyes. His filthy sleeping bag was flung across his shoulders and as he glided past; it billowed out behind him. With long sure strides he easily cleared a path as he navigated the isle. Some of the clerks had gathered to whisper. Like everyone else I wondered what he was doing inside the store. I began to feel ashamed. How could I know this man’s story? The choices he has made, the fear that feeds his pain and the terror of being homeless and hungry? Jolted from complacency and privilege I veered to gratitude. How fortunate I am to shop at the grocery store of my choice and have a kitchen to cook our meals. It is a privilege to be able to indulge in making summer tarts to share with you. He gave me a gift fitting of a superhero; a reminder to find gratitude in each day. A homeless man was at my favorite grocery store today. But I thought It might have been Superman. READ MORE . . .