Chocolate Craters filled with Nutella and Hazelnuts

freshly-baked chocolate craters filled with warm Nutella and nuts

Magnificent Nutella

“Even as a little girl she hungered for learning as a child does for cookies in the late afternoon.”

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


World Nutella Day, February 5th, was looming on the horizon. Nutella is a chocolate hazelnut spread with a cult like following that shows no sign of slowing. If I ever needed inspiration to bake so soon after the holidays, this was it. And what a scrumptious excuse it was. Searching for that sublime balance of hazelnut and chocolate in a cookie first led me down a path of too much chocolate and then I returned to the charming balance of hazelnuts with chocolate. If you like Nutella, these cookies will be a delight. READ MORE . . .