Tropical Banana Cake

Tropical Banana Cake

Return of the Lounging Bananas

“Kate was in no hurry. She thought to the end very quickly and then put it out of her mind. She let herself work on the method. She built a structure and attacked it, and if it showed the slightest shakiness she tore it down and started fresh.”

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


The ripe bananas have returned. My fruit bowl has become a tropical retreat. Mangos and oranges lounge seductively atop a pile of sultry ripe bananas. Their presence needed only a nudge from coconut and ginger to become Tropical Banana Cake. Sweet bananas on a tropical vacation end up lounging with their new friends, ginger, mango and coconut. Ginger sparkles dropping hints of tropical warmth. Tantalizing mango blushes with sweet buttery spice while coconut sways in the balmy breeze. A tropical escape baked in a cake. READ MORE . . .

Salad for Dinner

Summer dinner salad on a plate

Summer on a Plate!

“Well, right now you can buy fruit and all kinds of vegetables for two bits a lug.”

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


We often enjoy salads for dinner. I wanted to make a salad with the fruits and colors of summer as a main dish. The chicken could easily be omitted and the salad would still evoke summer on a plate. READ MORE . . .