Better Breakfast Bread

Better Breakfast Bread

Change and Gratitude

“Charles buttered a slice of bread, gouged out a knifeful of jam, and spread it over the butter. He dug butter for his second slice and left a slop of jam on the butter roll.”

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


The horrific events of this past week have humbled me. As much as we American’s like to grumble our lives are relatively easy, and safe. Until events shake us to our core. I practice a ritual of gratitude; you might call it prayer. Every day I spend a few moments focusing my thoughts on what I am grateful for in my life. Some days are easier than others. But it is on those challenging days that being grateful becomes the most important. A reminder of each days grace and beauty centers me. I regain my balance in a world that is a spinning top in a vast unknown universe. READ MORE . . .