Yeasted Pumpkin Bread with Cranberries, Pecans and Browned Butter

Yeasted Pumpkin Bread with Cranberries, Pecans and Browned Butter

With Gratitude and Thanksgiving — What We Have Forgotten

“Lee apologized for the dinner like an old fool. He blamed the gas oven which didn’t heat like a good wood stove. He blamed the new breed of turkeys which lacked a something turkeys used to have. But he laughed with them when they told him he was acting like an old woman fishing for compliments.”

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


Home cooking and the gender of who cooks these meals is buzzing in the media. It’s not a new discussion though. Ever since women started working full-time outside the home, cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner has been a timely topic. There’s lots more too, budgeting, planning, shopping and clean-up. Even a bold essay about not cooking at all. I’ve wanted to comment on each of these blog posts, but my response is long and conflicted. I’ve had spurts of enthusiasm with cooking too. I still do. READ MORE . . .